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Everything You Need to Know About the New Earth

Sneaky Ways Your Energy May Be Leaking

There has been a lot of talk lately about the New Earth in spiritual circles. This article is referring to a concept of higher consciousness that is beginning to affect humanity, not the biblical term used throughout the bible to describe a world with no sin.

The concept of the New Earth emerged back in 2005 from the popular book by Eckhart Tole. He explains the New earth as, "transcending our ego-based consciousness to transform into a more awakened state, in order to create a better world. Consciousness and ego are inextricably linked to life on the planet, so this transformation will significantly impact all life forms." Other teachers such as Dolores Cannon have also spoken into this topic long before it was popular.

This article will explain a spiritually inclusive look at what the New Earth means and signs to notice you're getting into alignment with this consciousness.

What is the New Earth?

The New Earth is not a physical place that you arrive at someday, but rather a new consciousness that is emerging within you. The New Earth is a shift in vibration, a transition from the dense third dimensional (3D) consciousness of the Old Earth to a lighter, higher frequency of the fifth dimensional (5D) consciousness that holds the New Earth. 

Both the New Earth and the Old Earth occupy the same physical space simultaneously, but where we find ourselves depends on our personal vibration. 

The New Earth is not governed by the brain but by the heart and soul of your being. As you make this transition into higher consciousness through your spiritual awakening, it can feel like a loss of identity at first. You might feel uncertain or even disoriented. But hang in there because what is happening is that you are breaking away from the old in order to make space for the new. 

Right now, every human on Earth is getting access to spiritual energy that we, as a collective, have never seen, felt or heard before on this planet. These energies that are here NOW are assisting us in waking up, and if you are reading this, it's because you are one of the powerful souls here to lift the vibration of the planet. 

With that being said, if you are permanently vibrating in 5D you are probably already experiencing the magic and harmony that comes with the New Earth. If you are stuck in old patterns of 3D consciousness, you are still probably anchored to the old world. If this is the case, that is ok.

All you have to do is accept that healing always has a starting point and you are being offered the invitation to begin your healing work to lift density off your heart, so that you can lift your vibration and enter the New Earth. Here is the biggest thing you can do to assist yourself with this shift.

Face Your Shadows

As we begin to wake up, there will be outdated parts of your inner programming that begin to surface. While many will get caught in the shame, blame, victim cycle during this release; you can deal with this density in a different way.

Facing these parts of yourself can be uncomfortable, but it’s essential for your spiritual growth. These shadows are showing you blockages where the light cannot shine through. Once you see them, it's time to face them head-on and do the healing work to release them.

This is a big reason why I developed the 4 R's Method: a healing formula that takes one through the proper stages of healing: recognize, release, reprogram and radiate.

By acknowledging and rescuing these parts of yourself, you can begin to release the false beliefs that no longer serve you. These programs cannot come with you into the New Earth, so this is your opportunity to clear the fear that blocks your unconditional love from flowing.

Healing yourself is key to stepping into the New Earth. If you can take an honest look at yourself and commit to the inner healing work, you will raise your vibration and lift out of the ancient fears that bind you to the Old Earth. 

Signs You're Aligning with the New Earth

One of the biggest indicators of whether you are aligned with the Old World or the New Earth is your vibration. When you are vibrating at a higher frequency, you will feel different. You will feel better, more open, and your heart will be expansive. This shift in how you feel is a clear sign that you are attracting new circumstances and frequencies that align with the New Earth. 

As you heal, your soul's highest energetic expression will emerge, allowing you to walk fully in the New Earth. The next thing you would want to take a look at is signs that these programs are, in fact, starting to lift your vibration and opening into the New Earth:

  1. Magical Synchronicities: You start to notice magical coincidences appearing everywhere.

  2. More Deep Knowing: You have a sense of certainty that something is true, or something new is on its way, and then this comes to fruition.

  3. Energy Shifts in Rooms: The energy of a room shifts the moment you enter it.

  4. Divine Appointments: You experience an uptick in divine appointments coming into your life that are beyond logical explanation.

  5. Effortless Actions: Your actions feel effortless, and you find yourself in a state of flow.

If you are seeing these signs, congratulations! It means you are lifting out of the old density and beginning to vibrate in the New Earth. It also means that your heart field is expanding, and your energy is aligning with the higher frequencies of this new consciousness.

Freeing Yourself into the New Earth

As you face the hidden parts of your consciousness that are keeping you bound to the old earth and release them, you begin to discover your true self, the authentic you that is free from the limitations of the Old World. If you need some support in learning how to heal these deeper beliefs, I invite you to start your healing in our training called New Earth Light Healing

It will provide a safe space to explore your feelings and thoughts, and learn healing strategies to begin to move past the stale energy that is holding you back. You can learn more here.

Your energy frequency is unique, like a fingerprint, and your healing journey plays a vital role on this planet. Always remember, you are one of the powerful souls here to lift the vibration of the planet and you are not alone in this journey. As you heal and raise your vibration, you are helping to create the New Earth for all of us. 

Keep going—you're on the path to something truly extraordinary.

With Light,

Sophie Frabotta, M.A.

Author, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer

Sneaky Ways Your Energy May Be Leaking

Hi! I am Sophie Frabotta. I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.


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