A "timeline shift" from a spiritual point of view is when you have a profound and transformative change in your present day consciousness or reality.
Because of the growing popularity of this term and concept, I think it is time to address the big elephant in the room and that is how to jump timelines WITHOUT Spiritual bypassing.
A spiritual bypass is when you try to get to the reward without the real transformation work.
It is a skip, a pass, and often a way to not deal with the deeper, more difficult root wounds that have you living on that lower timeline in the first place.
And when you bypass the deeper work, the results don’t last.
Have you ever felt like you finally got into a better place and then realize it was only to find yourself back in the same old patterns?
That happens because your dominant vibration pulls you back into your old reality. A true timeline shift isn’t about wishing for a new reality, it’s about lifting in consciousness.
In order to get into a higher timeline, or shifting into a more aligned version of yourself, your will need to go through a conscious and awareness process that I describe in five phases: releasing density, clearing old energy, calling forth new energy, emitting a higher vibration, and jumping timelines.
In the next part of this article we will look into what happens during these five phases.
Conscious Timeline Jumping Process
If you want to jump timelines (and stay there) in a way that is lasting and powerful, you must start by releasing the density that is weighing you down first. This will open up the space for all the next phases to flow through easily and effortlessly.
Releasing Density: When you find your deep root wounds from childhood that are unknowingly holding you back something magical happens. You begin to connect dots and start seeing where you truly are living and why. This phase helps you step through the door of your soul, come into your inner world, and begin to find your inner answers. This becomes the catalyst for your deeper healing.
Clearing Old Energy: This is when you use a variety of healing modalities to find and unwind the false beliefs, karmic blocks, and outdated energy from your system. As you bring awareness and transformation at this level, you unlock yourself from victimhood, past karma, and the memory of old pain. This stale energy begins to move as you release old energetic patterns stored in your cells.
Calling Forth New Energy: After you have cleared some of that deeper blocked energy, your body temple is now cleared and ready to hold higher vibrational energy steady in your body, heart and soul. This is the beginning to shifting into a higher state of consciousness.
Emitting a Higher Vibration: As this new energy comes in, because your body temple is cleared, you have space to hold this new energy that begins to settle into your cells and begins to tingle through you as a new higher frequency.
Jumping Timelines: This profound change in your frequency then affects your consciousness, this is when you are elevated to a higher perspective and effortlessly jump into your higher timeline all because your new frequency now aligns with this higher timeline!
This process will absolutely help you shift timelines.
Jumping timelines isn’t about forcing change or pretending everything is fine. It’s about doing the inner healing work that allows your energy to shift permanently. It’s a fundamental transformation that creates lasting results.
Are you ready to step through the doorway into a new reality? I can show you how. The only thing required is your willingness to heal.
You can see how to get started with this kind of healing check out our high level healers journey in our Spiritual Life Coach Certification. It is here where I teach you the exact Spiritual Psychology methods I use to ignite deep healing, activate soul purpose, and create a meaningful impact!
And our newest free training is out now!
Click here to watch: Awaken Your Soul's Calling
Remember, timeline jumping without doing the spiritual healing work is actually just spiritual bypassing. However, shifting into a more aligned version of yourself will give you lasting results.
So I invite you today to go through these 5 steps and watch what happens to your reality!
With Light,
Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer
Hi! I am Sophie Frabotta. I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.