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Our Online Spiritual Life Coaching Certification + Why it's so Effective

You might think that after the pandemic hit that we would see a drop in our transformation rates, but the opposite actually happened. When the pandemic hit in 2020 I had to adjust the format of our Spiritual Life Coach Certification, which was partially in person and the rest was online prior to 2020, to a completely online experience.

What I realized is that the pandemic had kept us in close proximity with ourselves, or those who lived with us, and it provided a huge mirror and this mirror showed people what they really wanted to be. It showed people where they needed to make different choices to live the life that felt better to them.

With this mirror reflection, I began to see students showing up to our program with so much more commitment than in years before. And it was this commitment that created massive change within them.

Taking out the in-person element to our training meant that I had to comb through our material and figure out how to translate this Retreat into an online experience that would have the same personal impact. And this went better than what we could have imagined.

I broke down what we were teaching in person over 3 days into an 8 day experience. This allowed so much more space for our students to actually process The 4 R's Method, which is taught during what we call Retreat Week, which is now an 8 day virtual experience that takes our students through this method to heal an issue in their life, so they can deeply understand the process. This change had monumental success. I saw students having breakthroughs in just week 1, saying things like:

“When we started the virtual retreat, I really didn’t know what to expect and was concerned that I might not get the full effect being virtual. Pretty immediately after we all ‘met’, I could feel myself soften by the smiling faces on Zoom. I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be." -Liz

"Sister, I’ll tell you what: all of me has woken up. I know that my finding of this program was absolutely divinely guided. I know that I need to clean these crazy skeletons out of my closet so I can step into being the healer and guide I know that I am." -Christie

"I was never able to put my healing into words for others to understand, but now that I have The 4 R's Method I can truly identify the steps that happen in the healing journey. Recognizing these emotions inside of me and then doing the work to help transform them gave me a feeling of confidence in my purpose as a coach. This is a fantastic way to start this certification." -Ali

"One week, seven days, 168 hours, spent opening my heart to the divine and shining my inner light I’ve spent every single day focusing on healing my inner being and getting to know who I truly am. I will be recommending this program/retreat to anyone in the future seeking a similar path or spiritual guidance." - Alexa

You can read even more stories about our graduates here.

Graduate Accomplishments

Here is a list of some of the accomplishments of our graduates that we have seen:

  • They have become authors

  • They launched their own transformative programs

  • They quit their jobs and started their own practice full time

  • They met their soul mates

  • They have moved countries and followed dreams

How was this possible? It is because of the space they created in their vibrational field. They have done the inner work and this freed up space for them to invite in new energy. You may be thinking well they had more time, money, energy, etc. And I am here to share, no they didn't. They were just as uncomfortable as you may be right now, in taking this leap, but they did it anyways. They choose to get out of their comfort zone and show up for themselves and when you do that, you get the support of the Universe like never before!

Get Certified from Anywhere on Earth

Another huge shift we observed was our international students signing up. Now that they didn't have to get on a plane to be part of the program, the training was able to reach more people around the globe. Prospective students were excited about becoming a certified spiritual life coach from their spot in the world. Students were finding that this work was integratabtle into their life regardless of their full time load; as a parent, a professional, or caretaker of some sort.

Top three reasons I believe our Online Program is successful:

  1. We provide a structure that keeps you moving through the material, this structure is unusual in the Spiritual World, but helps you understand and integrate the material you are learning at a rate that pushes you, but not too hard!

  2. Your cohort connects you with other souls who are doing this same work. Stepping onto this spiritual path can be lonely, so having a group that deeply understands you, where you can express your true self without judgement is priceless. The friendships that have been born from this cohort experience upon graduation light up our hearts!

  3. You can now take our program from anywhere in the world, distance is no longer an issue. As long as you have internet access, you can get certified!

Ultimately, I have found that the people showing up seem a lot more motivated to do the actual inner spiritual healing work than ever before. Maybe it was the alone time from 2020 that allowed us to truly see ourselves and what needs to change, or maybe it is just the global awakening we are in, but all that matters now is the massive transformation that is unfolding.

So I must thank my students, without you, this program could not do anything for the world. And because of you, it is changing it, little by little. Thank you for saying YES to your hearts calling, thank you for showing up, Thank You for doing the work. I am forever grateful to be a witness to your healing and expansion!

Become a Spiritual Life Coach

If you want to take your passion for spirituality to the next level... help others heal... or come into an entrepreneurial environment with unlimited growth opportunities that will be the foundation to your spiritual business... Then I invite you to watch a free video where I share the The 10 most asked Questions about Spiritual Life Coaching. Over the years, people have asked us so many questions and we decided to compile the 10 most common questions and answer them with my unique spin.

What Becoming a Certified Spiritual Life Coach will Do for You

Going through our certification process is a life changing experience. You will embody your spirituality deeper than you can even imagine, learn how to truly do deep spiritual healing work on yourself, and completely shift mindsets into something that sounds like:

  • Things don’t happen to me, they happen FOR me

  • I can heal what comes my way

  • I have all the answers I need inside

  • I am the master of my journey

On top of that, becoming a Certified Spiritual Life Coach will help you step into your own confidence, which maybe you may have only dreamed about. Our 5 month Certification is laid out for you in a comfortable structure that will keep you moving as we dive deep. In less that 1 hour per day, I will walk you into a higher vibration and upgraded version of yourself.

Imagine Yourself in Just 5 months

You are in your favorite spot, drinking your favorite drink, feeling more energy, reflecting on your better responses, seeing your clearer thinking, feeling more confident, empowered, supported, accepted and like you finally have permission to truly be you! This is what people report has happened to them in going through our Spiritual Life Coach Certification.

If you want to experience feelings of new found freedom, get downloaded with tools and techniques to process all the ups and downs of life, learn how to truly embodying self-love, and have more positive mindset shifts than you can even imagine, than I invite you to explore our Spiritual Life Coach Certification.

By Sophie Frabotta, MA

Author, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer

HI! I am Sophie Frabotta, The Soul Whisperer, author, spiritual coach, guide and mentor and the founder of the Awaken Collective, where I help women like YOU to step into your heart and turn your spirituality into your career. With over 10K hours of one-to-one spiritual healing experience, I don't just teach you about this spiritual healing work, I teach you how to become this spiritual healing work, to finally turn the dream inside of your heart into meaningful and satisfying work in the world. My Spiritual Life Coach Certification will help you to move far beyond where you are now and wake up a part of yourself you have been dreaming to become. Here is your chance!

You can start by watching our 10 Answers to everything you need to know about Spiritual Life Coaching here.


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Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification. Step into the true you, heal alongside me, calibrate your energy into high vibrations, and turn your healing into someone else’s survival guide.


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