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Using Your Authentic Voice: How and Why It’s Important

In my spiritual healing sessions, I have encountered students who struggle with expressing their authentic selves quite frequently. They wear masks to fit in, hold back sharing their words for fear of being misunderstood, and refrain from sharing themselves with the world because of fear of judgment.

This hidden and unseen suffering is all too common, AND it's also the root of many of our deepest frustrations and unhappiness.

So I just want to start out by saying that your power is inside of you. I repeat: your power is inside of you, and ONLY you. And it is one of the most beautiful jewels you carry. When you learn to stop giving it away and focus it towards creating what lights you up, your world changes.

You hold all your answers and are the one who can free yourself from this unseen suffering.

It all begins by paying attention, especially right now, to your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, because they are always sharing with you where you stand.

When you cast them away as uninvited guests, you can miss a major lesson or awareness that they could bring you. So instead of just pushing away your deeper feelings and thoughts give them space and pay more attention to their details of yourself.

As a spiritual healer, I've realized three powerful questions that you can ask yourself to  help you realign and find your way back to your purpose.

The first stop on this train of building up your authentic voice is to know, understand and believe that you are enough.

Empowerment comes from the self-belief embedded deep down that “I am enough.”

This self-belief is activated through spiritual healing work. Let me explain. When you have dug through the creases of your soul, drudged up your darkness and recycled that back to the Divine, processed old memories and difficult experiences, and sifted through tons and tons of energy deciding what you will keep or release, something happens deep within.

One, you heal; but two, you awaken and connect with something so much greater than yourself. And this is when you begin to tap into your true empowerment, self-belief, wholeness and your power to co-create! It is inside of this belief of enough-ness that you will then find it easier to stop worrying about what others think and feel more driven to express yourself to the fullest.

This might be easier explained than done, but is also why we teach this process over a 5 month period in our Spiritual Life Coach Certification. We create this container to do this safely and effectively so that you come out on the other side, a changed YOU!

The next stop on this train of building up your authentic voice is to deeply understand Authenticity.

Authenticity is described as the quality of being genuine, real, legitimate or true. This is a state that people pick up on through an intuitive lens.

Have you ever just been with someone and felt so peaceful or pure after you left? That is probably because they were authentic.

On the other hand, have you ever been with someone and after just didn't feel right, you didn't believe something, or questioned something they said? This is your intuition picking up on inauthenticity. 

When you are authentic, you attract relationships and opportunities that resonate with your true self. This leads to deeper, more meaningful connections. Authenticity also builds resilience. When you know and accept yourself, you are better equipped to handle life’s challenges and bounce back from setbacks.

Your power is a beautiful gift, and using your authentic voice is one of the most profound ways to honor this gift of life that you have been given. When you come to realize that there is no one else on this planet who can do what you came to do, the way you came to do it, it opens up this space for you to truly begin to honor you.

As you honor this space, you speak from a place of authenticity, and others can pick up on this shift! 

It's time. We are awakening as a collective at a rapid pace, and all those masks that you have worn to fit in, may abruptly begin to stop working. Now is the time to learn to share the words you never said, because you feared you’d be misunderstood, and instead do the inner work to clear that fear to make this pathway of sharing yourself more available to you.

If you are looking for spiritual, emotional and energetic support to better learn how to do this, I have a whole training and activation laid out for you step by step in our spiritual life coach certification.

This will help you navigate this next level of YOU to become energetically sovereign, experience miraculous healing at your fingertips, and then you can pass this experience onto others. If this intrigues you, check out our free mini training where I will explain how our Spiritual Life Coaches are getting their miraculous healing results (and you can too!)

I invite you to trust that you are reading this for a reason. And I would go on to guess that your authentic voice is more ready to come out now, more than ever before.

Sharing your authenticity is your unique contribution to the world. It is time to let your voice be heard, and watch as your world transforms!

If you need some help with this, I encourage you to meditate with me below!

With Light,

Sophie Frabotta, M.A.

Author, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer

Hi! I am Sophie Frabotta. I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.


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Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification. Step into the true you, heal alongside me, calibrate your energy into high vibrations, and turn your healing into someone else’s survival guide.


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