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Heal yourself first + Impact others

with intuitive confidence

in our Spiritual Life Coach Certification

Soul's Purpose

Watch Our Free Training Here

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Hi! I'm Sophie

I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.


 WATCH This Video to learn how  Spiritual Life Coaching is the Solution!


Be a Flashlight

When you work with someone in the depth of their shadows, and help them release, you will experience the deepest satisfaction.


I will teach you how to find hidden fears, heal past programming, and expand into a higher version of yourself. 

In our 5 month advanced container you will: 

  • Return to your center 

  • Restore your connection to the Divine

  • Clear False Beliefs and embedded hidden patterns

  • Embody trust, empowerment, and your unique spiritual gifts with direction

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If You're An 
Empath who...

➝ Wants to use your spiritual gifts to to heal yourself first + go on to create a fulfilling spiritual business

→ Feels frustrated and stuck in a career that no longer lights you up?

→ Wants to learn how to truly help people heal?

➝ Wants to usher deep healing to transform false beliefs + take quantum leaps?

➝ Wants to fully step into a higher vibration (5D) + Become confident in giving your clients an exceptional experience?

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Take Our FREE Training

Sign up


There are three phases of change that you will go through as you step into the role of becoming a Spiritual Life Coach and connecting with your soul purpose. First, you learn it, next, you embody it, and third, you become it. Our training takes you through these 3 phases seamlessly. 


You will go through your own healing first and authentically learn the ins and outs of this transformation work, while simultaneously building an enormous amount of confidence alongside these teachings. This blend of experience and knowledge creates the most perfect concoction for you to then take your own clients through once you are certified.




When I stepped into my spiritual journey 20+ years ago, my calling was clear: to help others heal what is blocking them and spiritually awaken to their greatness.​ I BELIEVE:


1. You can heal anything, and I mean anything. YOU have the power to transform and heal ​any false belief​ that is blocking you​. 


2. Your true power lives within. You were given an enormous amount of power that is currently living within you, and I will show you how to plug into it.


3. You are deeply loved by the Universe, and when you do the deep spiritual healing work and practice self-love you activate your ancient code of true acceptance.

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I help you find and heal hidden wounds embedded in your cellular memory, first. Therefore you are in a better place to serve others from your fullness.

This spiritual healing approach shifts deep internal conflicts in you by removing old energy out of you through all layers of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies; creating space for your soul truth to emerge.

We have deep conversations.

I guide you deeper than you have gone before.

I teach you how to open your heart and become a heart centered leader.

To all my naturally intuitive empaths who are ready to become a Spiritual Life Coach, and:


  • Step into the EVOLVED version of you

  • Heal yourself first and bring permanent results into your life

  • Have a blueprint to authentically serve others from your heart


You Heal First

THE Certification 

Personal Virtual Retreat with 8 days of intensive healing.

100+ Hours of Transformation Work through over 50 breakthrough tools, live group coaching calls, and support.

Library of Spiritual Life Coaching Templates like high vibe scripts, healing worksheets, forms, and contracts.

Spiritual Business Building Tools to set your spiritual business up like a pro on your first shot.

5 Months of Spiritual Life Coach Training to walk you into a new you with newly found soul confidence.



If you look at traditional psychology, they will tell you what we are doing is impossible.


Yet, we are witnessing deep healing and transformation in our program that blows us away. 

Our Spiritual Life Coach Certification will transform your world in the most authentic way. Over a 5-month period, we will show you how to:

➳ Clear toxic memories + trauma for good

➳ Activate your wisdom codes to work alongside Spirit and The Universe

➳ Become confident in how to give your clients an exceptional experience

➳ Deeply tap into your intuition to make empowered decisions from now on

➳ Meet your most Sacred Self + feel Self-Love like never before


Our Certification will anchor in your higher self, help you take quantum leaps in seconds, and experience Ahhhh-mazing collaborations and opportunities that manifest when you fully get into alignment. 

Learn How to


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Travel into your sacred inner domain to find and unwind all the trauma blocks that you are ready to release



Soul Codes

Your ancient soul purpose codes lay dormant within. After our deep healing module we find + activate them

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Walk through the portal of your own heart to make contact with the truth of your being + anchor in that frequency




Enjoy a safe space to unlock your unconditional love and step into an uplifted relationship with yourself

TAKE A Sneak Peek 

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⪢ 8 Day Intensive Healing Experience. Daily video lessons, 3 live masterclasses, 8 light healing meditations, and readily available online support to fully heal yourself in a way that sets you up to begin healing others.


⪢ Module 3. Your soul’s blueprint exists in your energy field, with a you raised vibration, we activate your highest calling. Here you get in touch with your soul's purpose and unlock your wisdom + acceptance code. 



⪢ Module 1. Go into your inner domain and open up to a whole new world. This is a sacred journey into your inner world that will expand your consciousness and heal stagnant wounds.


⪢ Module 4. This is where we anchor your spiritual gifts into your spiritual business. You learn how to build your website, create a business plan, define your target market, create your bio, and develop your compelling offer. 


⪢ Module 2. Explore a variety of ancient spiritual principles that are translated into modern language. This knowledge will feed your soul and empower you with techniques to use with your clients.

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Open Hearted Cohort

Take a look at the special connections they made which led them to unlocking their true soul's purpose! 



I invite you to trust that.

Most people who go through our certification are looking to:

→ Guide and help others on their life path

→ Use their spiritual gifts to help others

→ Attract likeminded clients

→ Become confident with their unique spiritual gifts

→ Feel safe in expressing who they really are


Can you relate?

Are you one of us?

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When we show our scars, it helps others know they can heal too!

I have been through a great deal of darkness; from healing anxiety, bulimia, and having a sixty pound weight loss.

In order to heal, I had to face my shadows, go through a powerful transformation, with phases of complete and utter discomfort, which all led to a personal metamorphosis.

But it was this healing that then became my gift, my service to others.

I can now teach you how to look into the face of someone else’s darkness and show them exactly how to heal it.



I would encourage anyone who is looking to deepen their spiritual practice, channel their inner healer and connect to the Divine to take this course. Sophie in my eyes is the modern-day Soul whisperer and I am so grateful that the Universe brought us together. My coaching tool bag is now full but, Spirit is the one doing the building and I am now the vessel from which it is expressed.


Are You Ready to...

➝ Learn how to guide others and help them find their life path

➝ Use your spiritual gifts to assist others in their awakening

➝ Heal your soul so you can authentically help others connect with theirs

➝ Become a successful mentor who takes quantum leaps

➝ Watch your life become filled with love + gratitude

➝ Fully step into a higher vibration

I often say, this certification calls you in. There is just something in you that knows it’s right. You feel this resounding YES inside your heart. Are you feeling the pull? If so, I encourage you to listen to that!

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Free Class

Want To Learn How To Permanently Change Lives

+ Heal People On A Cellular Level?

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 Enlightenment Cohort 

These rockstars did the deep healing work which freed up so much energy and they went on to build private practices, spiritual centers, 4-figure coaching programs, podcasts & more.



If you are considering taking this course, it is 100% worth the investment and your life will be changed forever! Not only do you get to heal yourself, but you get to share that healing with the rest of the world and help your future clients go through the same process. It is a safe container for healing and you form a special bond with your fellow cohorts who are on the same journey.




I will teach you how to open your heart and become a heart centered leader in the New earth.


You will fully embody this transformational experience filled with:


  • Spiritual healing modalities

  • Breakthrough trauma techniques

  • Shadow coaching

  • Light healing meditation journeys 

  • Coaching practice sessions


and an immense amount of inner healing (to tie any of your loose strings before you begin serving others).

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⫸ She has never fit in

⫸ She is connected to the Universe

⫸ She feels a pull to help others create a life they are dreaming about

⫸ She is awakening

⫸ She is deep

⫸ She is energized by her spirituality

⫸ She knows she just has to let her magic out

⫸ She is ready to share her light

Is this you?​

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I have seen people transform before my very eyes.

I have seen rage turn to compassion.

Addictions turn into new business ventures.

Rejection turn into acceptance.

Insecurities turn into degrees.

I have seen the lost get found,

broken hearts become whole,

+ goals become realities.

To get a feel of what being an Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach feels like.

 Watch this Video 


Having a guide show you what to do once you have stepped into the world of healing will only amplify your results.


What took me 20 years to learn, I show you in 5 months.

✔️  Embody modern spiritual frameworks to guide your clients with confidence AND intuition


✔️  Access templates that will help clients have breakthroughs and aha moments on their journeys


✔️  Learn the number 1 technique to give every single client an exceptional coaching experience that leads to raving reviews


✔️  Experience Live masterclasses with ME, Sophie, a Spiritual Life Coach with over 10K hours of 1-1 coaching

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Soul-shifting + Holistic


Your healing comes first. You will experience personal growth like never before. You will be guided through transformative lessons and taught how to use adaptive, practical yet spiritual techniques for your healing and others. We set the foundation of your own thriving practice + graduate with a winning business plan to activate right away.




No sugar coating it - this certification will grow, stretch, expand, and challenge you to reach beyond what you think your current capabilities are. We move fast with rich, potent, & mind expanding coursework, where you get extra support from Sophie + Staff. Our experienced support team will help guide, coach, and challenge you to breakthrough to the next level - a driving force of why are proud to claim a graduation rate of over 90%!




You will become part of the Awaken Tribe, and walk your healing journey alongside a vibrant soulful group of women.


We cap our enrollment to the perfect small number to ensure deep, enriching bonds are formed that will last beyond the completion of the course.




You Spiritual Business plan will guide you in building your thriving practice 6 - 18 months post graduation. This plan sets us apart from other certifications, as we help you blend the left and right side of the brain for aligned strategy, use your head and heart for balanced action, and combine your feminine and masculine energies to define your marketing tone. Hundreds of graduates go on to live a new life of purpose through their coaching practice. Your story is waiting to be shared!



You can fully trust that as we anchor in your spiritual gifts, we will also do something that most spiritual people don't offer, and that is connecting your left and right side of your brain, to fully activate these spiritual gifts into a life changing spiritual business.


In the final Module you will learn how to build your website, define your target market, create your bio, develop your offer, and put this all together in the form of a creative business plan that will guide you post graduation.


This process alone will help you authentically step into your new role of being a powerful Spiritual Life Coach. 

Our Spiritual Life Coach Certification houses ALL of the information, practices, and tools you need to start helping others live their truth and shine their light.

Spiritual Life Coaching Certification

Spiritual Life Coach

Here is your invitation to truly leap into the call of your soul, get connected to your inner self and raise your vibration so you can overflow your magic into the lives of others.

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